Ride Deep Fake Snowboard
The RIDE Deep Fake lives up to its name. Designed for stability and quick edge-to-edge control in all conditions. With a Directional Extra Camber profile this board is built for stability and pop while giving just enough rise in the nose to float on those deeper days. The Deep Fake is designed to be ridden in a standard length, no downsize needed. The Tapered Linear Quadratic Sidecut is designed for smooth turn initiation and powerful grip through turns without washing out. Deep Fake features Metal Slim Wall construction, a section of titanal metal layered with urethane running the edge of the board, increasing dampening, durability, and responsiveness. This is a premium all-mountain board and features RIDE's Performance™ Core, Carbon Array 5™ , Sintered Stone Ground Race Base, and all new bio-resin. Deep Fake is built for riders that take advantage of all snow conditions while staying under the radar.
Ability Level: Intermediate ,Expert
Response: Aggressive
Collection: All Mountain ,Powder ,Groomers
Linear Quadratic Sidecut:
A directional sidecut utilizing Quadratic curvature from the tip to the rear insert pack, then progressing into a linear section into the tail. This creates smooth catch-free turn initiation and powerful support through the turn exit without losing grip.
Standard Top Sheet:
Durable Urethane topsheet material with graphics only RIDE can bring you.
Pre-Cured Glass Fiberglass:
USA-made pre-cured fiberglass optimizes glass to resin ratios to create the most consistent flex pattern possible. No other glass provides this level of stability and control.
Performance™ Core:
High strength Aspen is combined with Bamboo and lightweight Paulownia wood to provide the perfect balance of strong and light.
Sintered Low Friction Race Base:
The highest grade carbon-infused sintered base material available. Designed for speed.
Carbon Array Laminates:
This power distribution technology provides total board control in every stance location. Widespread carbon stringers placed at the binding zone gather input from any stance width and all pressure angles. Rider input is then channeled to the opposing contact point for maximum board control. Offered in two levels of technology, 3 & 5.
Impact Plates Laminates:
Added underneath each binding area to improve compressive strength and prevent board breaks where it matters most. Offered in two levels, Single and Double.
Metal Slim Wall:
Metal Slim Walls utilize full-length Titanal Aluminum strips laminated into a urethane composite sandwich. Providing superior edge hold, more efficient energy transfer, and unbeatable durability. Metal Slim Walls provide race board performance by damping vibration and maintaining edge-hold while providing a playful flex pattern and responsive snap between turns. This groundbreaking technology is the first of its kind in the industry and solidifies RIDE as the leader in 3D and composite sidewall engineering.
RIDE Snowboard Technology:
Engineered by snowboarders, for the most demanding riders on the planet. With over 30 years of experience in building high-quality products.
Artikelnummer: | 20240586837-001 |
Farbe: | Schwarz Grün |
Geschlecht: | Männer / Unisex |
Altersgruppe: | Erwachsene |
Saison: | 2024/25 |
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